
Lebenslieder” [Engl.: “Songs of Life] is the name of a show concept on German national television channel Das Erste, which was produced under the leadership of rbb together with BR and WDR.

The shows are hosted by the successful singer Max Mutzke. For 45 minutes it is all about the songs that have shaped a person: How did the soundtrack of your childhood sound like? What is a song that comforts you, gives you courage? What role does music play in your own biography? Alone, but also together with the respective guests, Max Mutzke performs the songs.

Tom Neuwirth aka Conchita Wurst talks about what it is like to grow up in the Austrian provinces as a boy who likes to wear girls’ clothes. Conchita Wurst talks about what the success at the Eurovision Song Contest did to her and what is important to her in life. On the side she performs with Max Mutzke, among other things, “Goldfinger”, a song that paved the way for her later life.

The program was published in the online media library on 24 December 2021 and then broadcast on 9 April 2022 in the evening program on national German television DasErste.

24 December 2021


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