
Wir sind Kaiser” [Engl.: ‘We are Emperor’] is a satirical talk show on Austrian national television ORF; the show could also be seen in Germany and Switzerland. Measured in terms of market share, it was ORF 1’s most successful self-produced weekly broadcast production between 2007 and 2010. The shows were recorded in the large ballroom in the House of Industry on Schwarzenbergplatz in Vienna.

Robert Palfrader played Robert Heinrich I, the caricature of an Austrian emperor: after the disappointing achievements of Austrian politics, he is supposed to bring back the splendor of imperial times to the country.

At the opening of the emperor’s public audience, the “Imperial Anthem” was performed to the tune of “The Internationale”. His Majesty then received guests – mostly Austrian celebrities and politicians, sometimes also German ones – sovereignly solving political conflicts and showing recordings from his everyday life as a beloved head of state. However, he often treated his guests provocatively and sometimes embarrassing.

As part of the entertainment programme on New Year’s Eve, ORF has been showing special editions of the show since 2007. During the show on 31 December 2011, Conchita Wurst was granted an audience with the Emperor. She was also allowed to sing the hymn for him.

31 December 2011


22 January 2016


Since the beginning of 2016, excerpts from previous shows have been shown in montages and commented on by Emperor Robert Heinrich I and his Chief Steward Seyffenstein.

Wir sind Kaiser – Die Seyffenstein-Chroniken (ORF1): Review Conchita Wurst

cover picture: ORF / Milenko Badzic

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